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Vegetarian Recipes

Susan M. Mumm, MA

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Gourmet Recipes - Personal Growth Resources

I was a vegetarian for over twenty years. Without a doubt, eating vegetarian is very healthy, and it is also great for the planet ecologically; meat production uses a lot more water resources and creates more pollution. Vegetarianism is more politically correct as well, because you can feed a lot more people with a lot less land and labor; it would be much easier to eradicate world hunger if everyone on the planet was eating vegetarian. Morally, there is a lot less killing of animals as well, though if you are a lacto-ovo vegetarian there is still killing involved; only vegan vegetarians can eat totally guilt free!

I still eat about 25-35% vegetarian, I just don’t have the will power to do it full-time anymore. I still choose to eat some vegetarian food, not just for health or political reasons, but because I simply like it. I developed a lot of great recipes over the twenty years I was a full-time vegetarian, (with the assistance of a gourmet chef husband), and I hereby pass them on to you.



This site owned and operated by: Susan M. Mumm, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor | Personal Growth Resources, Inc. | Ann Arbor, MI | (734) 913-5859